Saturday, 27 April 2013

Training Update #2

We finally got some nice weather this week.  I did a 30 km ride on Monday night, a 40 km ride on Tuesday night, and I just finished a 50 km ride this afternoon.  It was a beautiful day and I had a great ride!  If the weather keeps up like this, I definitely won't have any problems being ready for this summer.

I've added a running total of the distance I've biked to the right panel.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Training Update #1

I took advantage of the warm weather today and hit the road for the first time.  I did a route that was recommended to me by a cyclist friend which is almost 22 km long.  According to my cycling computer, I averaged 27.5 km/h and had a max speed of 57.4 km/h (cycling downhill with the wind is awesome!) which seemed pretty good for a first ride.  Hopefully we'll continue to have more nice weather so I'll be able to ride more often.

I wasn't idle before that, however -- I've put somewhere between 150 - 200 km on my trainer over the last few weeks.  It's not nearly as much fun as riding on the road, though.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Almost There!

A cheque from my church from a collection taken a few weeks ago has come through and I've now passed 80% of my fund raising goal.  Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far!  When I first signed up, I was a little worried about reaching $10000, but I shouldn't have been -- I have a very supportive family, friends, and church community.  Less than $2000 to go!