Friday, 2 August 2013

Day 38

Wednesday - It didn't rain during the ride today, which made it a much better day than yesterday.  However, it remained damp and overcast the whole day, so none of the stuff that got wet yesterday was able to dry, unfortunately.

Tonight we're being hosted by Illiana Christian High School in Lansing, Illinois, just south of Chicago.  They provided a fabulous dinner of spaghetti and chicken.  After our peloton meeting, they put on a ice cream social for us.  With how well the support staff has been feeding us and everything that local church communities have been providing us, I don't believe I'm losing any weight, but at least I can eat all this great food without gaining any.  It's going to be difficult to adjust to a normal diet again after this is all over.

Today's route.
Distance: 146.6 km
Elevation: +1574 / -1814 ft

1 comment:

  1. Yup... ice cream, bbq, and beer - the three nemeses to summer weight loss... apparently, even when you're riding 100+ km every day :(
