Sunday, 28 July 2013

A Typical Day, Part 1

Breakfast usually starts at 6:30 or 7:00 am, but if you show up at the posted time, it's already starting to be cleaned up, so you have to get there early.  There's a bit of a struggle between early risers and late risers as to when breakfast should be, so the time tends to shift depending on which faction is currently the most vocal.  Usually there is hot oatmeal, cereal, a few different kinds of muffins, and some fruit to choose between.  We also need to pack a lunch for the road -- PB&J or tuna sandwiches, a variety of granola bars and cookies, chips, and carrots.  Before leaving camp, we need to get into our cycling clothes, brush our teeth, pack up our tents and sleeping bags, load our stuff into the gear truck, pump up our tires, and fill our water bottles. Most people roll out of camp between 6:30 and 7:30.


  1. So which faction are you in? Wait, let me guess... :)

    1. Yeah, I'm sure that's not hard to guess. It's pretty much a generational split.
